Brown's Corner (Shopping Plaza)

Brown's Corner (Shopping Plaza)
Also Known As Billerica Pharmacy
Address 306 Boston Rd
Built 1952
Demolished 1988

Not to be confused with Brown's Corner, the intersection of Boston, Pollard, and Floyd.

Frederic and Louise Brown owned a house on Salem Road, and used their land to open Billerica Pharmacy along Boston Road in the early 1950s.

Over the next 50 years, several storefronts were built and subsequently torn down, in various configurations. The original Billerica Pharmacy building was razed some time between 1985 and 1994, and the current configuration has been in place since then.

Brown's Corner (Shopping Plaza)
Plan of Land Belonging to Frederick and Louse Brown, 1951 (Plan 84/2)
Brown's Corner (Shopping Plaza)
Billerica Pharmacy, 1954 (Plan 85/123)
Brown's Corner (Shopping Plaza)
Brown's Corner, 1994 (Plan 187/51)